Network Troubleshooting
Ca^'m ma'y va`o lo^? co' Internet i.e the wall outlet or the network hub (hub - la` cai box du`ng dde^? share internet)
Va`o Start -> Control Panel -> double click Network Connections -> right click on "Local Area Connection" and selection properties
-> select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) ro^`i click properties -> select "Obtain an IP address automatically" ro^`i click OK -> sau ddo' restart ca'i computer la.i it should work now.
Ly' do no' khong work ta.i vi` ca'i network cua con setup so^' may' la` (Bom), (Dad), (Laptop) o*? tre^?n setup kha'c so^' cho ne^n may Laptop khong no'i chuye^.n dduoc vo*i cai network (ie. can't communicate because "last name" of the Laptop is not the same as the network, so the network won't share the internet connection, just like a family with same last name share things but not to an outsider)
Mi`nh fixed ba(`ng ca'ch kie^u ma'y Laptop automatically detect ca'i "last name" cu?a cai network, phai nho*' ca^'m ca'i may va`o ca'i network ro^`i mo*'i restart thi` khi restart ma'y mo*'i detect dduoc
Here is a picture step:
1. Start -> Control Panel
2. double click Network Connections
3. right click on "Local Area Connection" and selection properties
4. select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) ro^`i click properties
5. select "Obtain an IP address automatically" ro^`i click OK
6. select "Obtain an IP address automatically" ro^`i click OK
7. sau ddo' restart ca'i computer la.i, it should work now.